Matter & Device编辑讲座:Publishing with Cell Press in Materials Science & Device


Cell Press旗下两本旗舰刊和一本高定位开放获取期刊的编辑,Matter期刊编辑Tina ZhangDevice期刊编辑Yuen YiuCell Reports Physical Science期刊编辑Qiuming Ma,将来访我校并作题为“Publishing with Cell Press in Materials Science & Device”的讲座,欢迎参加!

讲座主题:Publishing with Cell Press in Materials Science & Device



主 讲 人:Tina Zhang (Matter期刊编辑), Yuen Yiu (Device期刊编辑), Qiuming Ma (Cell Reports Physical Science期刊编辑)



MatterCell PressChemJoule之后推出的另一本材料类刊物,与Cell, ChemJoule互为姊妹刊。稿件接收方向涵盖各个领域内的优秀先进材料,包括生物材料,能源材料,光学材料,磁性材料等。旨在推进材料学在多个学科领域内的发展,推动先进材料的实用化发展进程。

DeviceCell Press最新推出的一本旗舰级期刊(即与Matter同等级),旨在推广任何有关器材或设备的研究。 Device接纳所有规模和发展阶段的应用技术,鼓励交叉学科多样化以及视应用为目标的研究发展。

Cell Reports Physical ScienceCell Press旗下一本高水平定位的开放获取期刊,发表的文章涵盖了材料科学、化学、生物医学、物理及工程学等物质科学各个领域的前沿成果。

讲座将重点介绍Cell Press旗下MatterDeviceCell Reports Physical Science等物质科学领域的期刊,就论文写作、文章投稿、同行评审中的重要流程和注意事项做详细介绍,并现场解答老师同学在投稿中遇到的问题。


Tina Zhang, Ph.D.

2022.8-presentScientific Editor of Matter

2019.4-2022.7Scientific Editor of iScience

2017.7-2019.3Publishing Editor at Springer Nature

2012.9-2017.7Ph.D. at University of California San Diego

Yuen Yiu, Ph.D.

2023.5-presentScientific Editor of Device

2021.7-2022.11 Perspective Editor at Science

2016.7-2021.7Writer and Editor at the American Institute of Physics

2015.7-2016.7Post-doc at Ames Laboratory

PriorPhD at the University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Qiuming Ma, Ph.D.

2023.6-presentScientific Editor of Cell Reports Physical Science

2021.12-2023.6    Publishing Manager/Editor at Wiley

2019.9-2021.12    Post-doc at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2015.10-2019.4    Ph.D. at INSA Toulouse, Université de Toulouse