The library has activated the trial service for World Scientific eBooks& eJournals, faculties and students are encouraged to use and feedback on the resources.
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Period of validity : July 16, 2024 - September 15, 2024
Database introduction:
World Scientific Publishing was established in 1981 and it is the largest international scientific publisher in the Asia-Pacific region. Our publications cover Basic Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Life Science, Business and Management, and other disciplines. World Scientific publishes about 600 new titles a year and 176 journals in various fields,109 of which are indexed by SCI.
World Scientific broke new ground in 1991 when it signed a memorandum of agreement with the Nobel Foundation to publish the entire series of Nobel Lectures in all subjects.Apart from the Nobel lectures, we have collaborated with many Nobel laureates to produce best-selling books since the 1980s. Many serve as our editorial advisors and book series editors, while others have contributed articles and research papers to our journals.
The trial includes 10000+ eBooks and 176 kinds of ejournals, accessible content will be labeled with “Full Access” as shown below.