​Trial on DeGruyter EBA eBooks

Release time:2023-06-0710

The Library has activated the trial service for DeGruyter EBA eBooks, welcome faculties and students to use and give us your feedback.

Access URL: https://www.degruyter.com/

Period of validity : June 1 - August 31, 2023


Database Introduction

Walter De Gruyter Publishing has a long history of over 270 years, publishing 1300 new books annually. Its publications cover humanities, social sciences, and technological medicine.

De Gruyter Publishing includes several publishing brands: Mouton, K.G. Saur, Birkhäuser, Oldenburg, Akademie, and DeGruyter Open. In addition, De Gruyter has collaborated with world-renowned publishers on e-books, digitizing the books and making them accessible through the DeGruyter platform. Publishing partners include Princeton University Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, Harvard University Press, Transcript Publishing, Sellier European Law Publishing, Detail Publishing, RWS Publishing, and others.

De Gruyter's evidence-based Acquisition (EBA) model provides a flexible way for libraries to purchase e-books, which is an excellent model for providing academic content to higher education and research institutions in a highly cost-effective manner. In this model, the institution can first access a large number of online e-books published by DeGruyter Publishing and its partners, and then decide which books to purchase.

The resources for this trial include over 140,000 EBA e-books in all subjects and languages on the platform, which are labeled Licensed as shown in the picture. Welcome patrons to visit and download the resources.