Trial on Elsevier Textbook

Release time:2020-04-08263

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Period of validity : April 8, 2020 to June 15, 2020

Elsevier has published 256 electronic textbooks, including science and technology, biology and medicine, including chemistry, chemical industry, aviation, materials, nuclear energy, mathematics, statistics, biomedicine, pharmacy, clinical medicine, etc. Several of them have won the Doody star rating, prose and BMA awards. Text list of sciencedirect

Elementary Differential Geometry

Barrett O'Neill

Table of Integrals, Series, and Products

Alan Jeffrey and Daniel Zwillinger

Essential Statistical Methods for Medical Statistics

C.R. Rao, J.P. Miller and D.C. Rao


Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology

Freshwater Ecology 3rd Edition