International Science and Technology Information Center

Release time:2024-05-2429

           International Science and Technology Information Center( ), based on the construction of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Bureau and Shenzhen Science and Technology Library, provides free resources and services of science and technology for researchers in Shenzhen, making Shenzhen the first city in Asia to provide scientific and technological resources for free.

           Users of Shenzhen can register for free on the International Science and Technology Information Center website and access resources of the following six databases:

           Science Citation Index Expanded    Web of Science 

           ScienceDirect  Elsevier journal database

           Springer  Springer journal database

           Nature  Nature journal database

           Wiley   Wiley journal database

           IncoPat  Patant database



           When registering, choose to become a reader of Shenzhen Science and Technology Library at the same time, and successfully link the reader card of Shenzhen Science and Technology Library according to the system guidance, users can obtain more resource permission, such as Chaoxing, VIP(Weipu) Chinese Science and Technology Journals, Wanfang Data Resources, New Oriental Multimedia Library, KUKE Digital Music Library, Baidu Wenku, etc. FAQ of International Science and Technology Information Center.