科学文库Science Library

Database Introduction

Science Library is a platform for full-text search, online browsing and downloading of digital books from Science Publishing House, and is a treasure trove of wisdom of outstanding scientists. It has been awarded the highest prize in the Chinese publishing industry, the China Publishing Government Award, and is one of the first demonstration projects in the press and publishing industry by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television. With the aim of serving professionals in education and research institutions, Science Library provides professional and high-quality digital book resources, efficient and convenient knowledge services to meet the needs of professionals and users at all levels for authoritative, classic and practical scientific and technological knowledge, effectively supporting the improvement of scientific knowledge and the development of related disciplines.

At present, our university has officially purchased eBooks of the entire subject albums from 1951-2019, totaling more than 50,000 volumes, and welcomes all teachers and students to visit and use them.

Instructions for use: After clicking on a single book, you can read or download it on the details page. It should be noted that you need to open it with CAJViewer reader in an internet connection after downloading, and then download and read it again after the expiry date (15 days).If you need to download, please log in using CARSI first. Please refer to the guide for details.科学文库 Guides2023.docx

Included Years
Responsible Librarian
Yixi Zhang (+86-755-88010841, zhangyx@sustech.edu.cn)
Copyright Notice