
Database Introduction

The JIF quartile table online platform (also known as the Chinese Academy of Sciences' JIF quartile table) is a research result of the Scientific Metrology and Evaluation Project Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Literature and Information Center, which divides all journals in the SCIE and SSCI versions of JCR into quartiles. The JIF quartile table includes a major category quartile table and a minor category quartile table. The major category quartile table divides journals into 18 relatively broad subject categories, while the minor category quartile table divides journals into 228 relatively specific subject categories. Our university has purchased JIF quartile data from 2015 to the present for readers to use.

Special notice: The journal impact factor (JIF) quartile table is based on the data describing the academic influence of journals and is provided for research personnel to understand the academic impact of journals in their field and as a reference for journal evaluation. However, using the quartile table data for personal evaluation needs to be done with caution. At the same time, the JIF quartile table does not include scientists' qualitative evaluations of journals, but only the results of quantitative data analysis and processing.

Note: The JIF quartile data is only for use by our university personnel and should not be disclosed or made public to non-university personnel in any way. Otherwise, both the university and individuals will bear corresponding responsibilities.

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Responsible Librarian
Min Sun (+86-755-88010814, sunm@sustech.edu.cn)
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