WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

Database Introduction

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) provides the leading business intelligence, data analytics, and research platform to global institutions. Supporting over 75,000 commercial, academic, and government users at 500+ institutions in 38 countries. The below databases can be accessed through the WRDS platform. 

S&P Compustat: Compustat Fundamentals provides standardized North American and global financial statement and market data for over 104,000 active and inactive publicly traded companies that financial professionals have relied on for over 50 years.

CRSP: The Center for Research in Security Prices, LLC (CRSP) maintains the most comprehensive collection of security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets. Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta-based and cap-based portfolios, treasury bond and risk-free rates, mutual funds, and real estate data.

OptionMetrics: (1) OptionMetrics' IvyDB US is a comprehensive source of historical price and implied volatility data for the US equity and index options markets. (2) OptionMetrics' IvyDB Europe is the first comprehensive database of historical option process, implied volatility and sensitivity calculations for the major European markets.

CSMAR: CSMAR offers data on the China stock markets and the financial statements of China's listed companies (can also be accessed through the CSMAR Platform).

Registering for WRDS Account:

1.All current faculty, staff, and students at SUSTech are eligible for a WRDS account.

2.Visit https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/, click on the link for "Register" from the top right corner. 

a.[Institution] select [South University of Science and Technology of China].

b.User Type: Faculty, Ph.D, Masters Student, Research Assistant, Visitor, Class.

c.Fill in Last Name and First Name in English.

d.Use sustech.edu.cn email . 

3.The local WRDS representatives will review your request and notify you when it has been processed.

4.Register your smartphone for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

5.Use your username and password to log into WRDS https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/.

Included Years
Responsible Librarian
Caidi Wang (+86-755-88010791, wangcd@sustech.edu.cn)
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