Database Introduction

JSTOR, (Journal Storage), is a non-profit organization with a dual mission to create and maintain a trusted archive of important scholarly journals, and to provide access to these journals as widely as possible. JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million top peer-reviewed academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

Journals: Full runs of more than 2,600 top scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. JSTOR works with a diverse group of nearly 1,200 publishers from more than 57 countries to preserve and make their content digitally.

The sections from Our library order included are as follows:

Business I -III、Mathematics & Statistics、Life Sciences、Arts & Sciences I Collection、Arts & Sciences III Collection、Arts & Sciences XV Collection、Mathematics & Statistics Collection(upgrade) .(https://about.jstor.org/journals ,Please refer to the web page.)

Included Years
All issues, from volume 1, to issue 1, are provided for every journal up to the moving wall
Responsible Librarian
Min Sun (+86-755-88010814, sunm@sustech.edu.cn)
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